The End

This class had a beginning, middle, and now an ending.  Our revels now are ended, which is stuck in my head.  I’ve read a little bit of literature and never really got into much mythologies because it was all myth and not true, or so I thought.  But now after just getting a mist of mythologies, I see how it is the foundation of all literature.  I’m glad that I took this class and Shakespeare at the same time, Shakespeare is full of Ovid.

I was on the fence of changing majors this semester and going into business, but hugging trees and appealing great literature to today is much more rewarding and interesting to me than supply and demand graphs and debits and credits.  Maybe Sexon should flunk us all so we can keep going with Mythologies.

Mythic Detective

Zach Stenberg

Lit 285



My Life as a Mythic Detective


            When I received the first email from Dr. Sexon of the class syllabus, I wasn’t quite sure what a “Mythic Detective” would be.  A good friend of mine, Jenny T. told me how I had to take this class.  A few years ago, after a fair amount of Latin, I read Ovid’s Art Of Love, and I loved it for obvious reasons.  The Metamorphoses had been on my to read list, so I was excited when I saw that was going to be our text.

            After reading the first couple of books and not retaining a lot of it, I started looking at trees a lot different.  I have a black lab and I named her Athena two years ago, I started to look at her with a little more curiosity since the only damage she has ever really done is to chew up books.  After all, she is the Greek Goddess of wisdom, so that makes sense.  Early on, Dr. Sexon proposed for me to do a project on Shamanism for both Mythologies and Shakespeare.  Before, I thought Shamanism as people in the Amazon who did drugs and hallucinated with the idea of communicating with the spiritual world.  To me, it seemed like a party that I wouldn’t mind attending.

            I started reading Carlos Castandeda’s The Art Of Dreaming where Castandeda is taught by a Shaman named Don Juan on how in dreaming to communicate with the spiritual world.  This kind of started to freak me out a little because I started dreaming and started to have some pretty crazy and vivid dreams.  I kept these to myself to avoid going to Warm Springs, but I started seeing in Myth and Shakespeare shamanism appearing everywhere. 

            I moved on to Mirca Eliade’s Shamanism and this is the book for Shamanism.  The evidence dates back to the Paleothic period or about 40,000 years ago and to the caves of modern day France.  Shamans are all over the world and are all a little different, but yet in many ways very similar in their practices.  There has to be a call, separation, and initiation.  I used an initiation dream for my initiation project and was still plagued by having more dreams of my own.  I was on my way.

            Now to back up a little, it took me awhile to get to college because I wasn’t ready I guess.  I liked to party like a rock star and I thought school would get in the way of my education of life.  Anyhue, two years on, my Grandma last fall told me that if I quit messing with French and English and switched my major to a business degree, then she would pay my tuition.  I told her I’d think about and so this semester I enrolled in Accounting and Honors Econ.  It started off good and I saw their usefulness in the world to get a job.  However, the one thing that bothered me was that in business, your aim is to look at things and see how you can profit from them.  Everything becomes a commodity and has a monetary value placed on it.

            After talking to Dr. Sexon one day in his office about literature for about an hour, my brain begin to run and think of all the other stuff I could be reading instead of doing supply and demand charts which were taking a lot of time.  Jenny T. told me that it would be a waste and sad if I went for business, so I brought Brook with me for backup and dropped Econ.  The professor gave me, “Well I’m disappointed, but you got to do what interests you.” And I thought to myself that it sure as hell wasn’t supply and demand graphs.  I stayed in Accounting because I don’t like paying taxes, so I’m hoping that I can learn some loopholes.

            For spring break I went to North Dakota and visited my grandma.  I told her that I dropped Econ and that I was going all in with writing and literature.  I told her how literature makes me want to be a better man and business makes me want to look on how I can profit from any scenario and make money.  She left it at that and just kind of laughed.  I recently read The Gambler by Dostoyevsky, its where a guy could have by all accounts a bright future, but he thinks work is beneath him and one good hour at the casino and he’d be on top of the world again.  Well it doesn’t pan out that way.  Talking to my grandma recently, I told her this and she said, “Well, maybe you could go into teaching.”  I about shit my pants, because she’s came around to my view.

            Coming back to myth, I now have no ordinary day.  I’ve also been lucky to be taking Shakespeare and Mythologies at the same time, for Shakespeare is jam packed with Ovid.  Supposedly Shakespeare started reading Ovid at the age of nine in Latin and it was his favorite book of all time.  Shakespeare displaced many of Ovid’s stories, but for me that makes it all the more rewarding to know that he displaced the story and had a little fun with it.

            I see Myth and especially Shamanism everywhere I look now.  I almost took a turn to the dark side and switched majors to go into Accounting or Econ.  I’d rather take the chance and study great works that make me want to be a better man and show me why not to become a gambler, than simply become another sheep in the flock and look at everything as a commodity.  Thanks Dr. Sexon.


Zach Stenberg




            Today when one brings up the subject of Shamanism, the conversation often goes to indigenous people living in the Amazon, where they’re doing psychedelic and hallucinategenic drugs, chanting, and trying to talk with the spirit world.  Shamanism is suggested to have origins all the way back to the Paleolithic period, or somewhere around 40,000 years ago.  Shamans can be women in some societies, for the most part though they’re men.  Shamans can be a magician, healer or doctor, priest, and even an evil Shaman.  Mircea Elieade defines shamanism as, “First definition of this complex phenomenon, and perhaps the least hazardous, will be Shamanism= technique of ecstasy (Eliade, 4).  The technique of ecstasy is the ability to get into a trance and communicate with spirits when someone is sick, dying, missing, funeral rites, or other rituals of the community that the Shaman performs.  For the Shaman, “the Shaman specializes in a trance during which his soul is believed to leave his body and ascend to the sky or descend to the underworld,” (Eliade, 5).

            The Shaman can also be a psychopomp, a guide to escort the souls to the afterlife like Hermes; they also can serve as guides through the various transitions of life, such as Prospero in Shakespeare’s The Tempest.  Shamans are separated from the community, they are chosen either hereditary, a call from the spirits, or an election (Eliade, 13).  Shamans are of the “elect” and as such they have access to a region of the sacred inaccessible to other members of the community (Eliade, 8).  In some societies, they are not just a priest, but also an actual messenger to the spirit world.

            Before one becomes a shaman, he/she has to have a call or a sign, and then must have an initiation.  “Before he comes a Shaman and begins his new and true life by a “separation” that is, as we shall presently see, by a spiritual crisis that is not lacking in a tragic greatness and in beauty,”(Eliade, 13).  Physical signs at first are epileptic fits, an actual epileptic attack initiation of the candidate is equivalent to a cure, (Eliade, 27).

            Among the Tungus of the Tranbaikal region, he who wishes to become a Shaman announces that the spirit of a dead Shaman has appeared to him in a dream and ordered him to succeed him.   For this public declaration to be regarded as true, it must include a considerable degree of mental derangement, such as epileptic fits and a sickness on the brink of death, (Eliade, 16). 

            For the Yakut, the perfect Shaman, “must be serious, possess tact, be able to convince his neighbors; above all, he must not be presumptuous, proud, ill-tempered.  One must feel an inner force in him that does not offend yet in conscious of its power,”(Eliade, 290).  In some ways, the ideal Shaman was a Renaissance man as in Europe of old.  A man, who could do anything and knew everything, yet was humble in temperament.  The Yakut Shaman also had a poetic vocabulary that contained 12,000 words, whereas the ordinary language-the only language known to the rest of the community has only 4,000, (Eliade, 30).  We can still experience something of this magnitude with Shakespeare where most of his 25,000 words “(more than twice as many as Milton, his runner-up) had never been heard before by most of his audience, (Hughes, 25).  And sometimes Shakespeare only used these words once or twice, but he was able to convey them where both the high and low classes could understand him.  The Shaman had the same ability to communicate to both humanity and the spirit world in a poetic-trance prose.

            The traditional scenario of an initiation ceremony can be summed up like the life of Jesus Christ’s last days: suffering, death, and resurrection.  One of the most vivid initiation dreams is that of the Samoyed Shaman.  “The candidate was sick with smallpox, the future Shaman remained unconscious for three days and was so close to death he was almost buried.  He remembered having been carried into the middle of the sea.  There he heard his sickness speak, “From the Lords of the Water you will receive the gift of Shamanzing.  Your name as a Shaman will be diver.”

            The candidate came out of the water and climbed a mountain.  There he met a naked woman and began to suckle her breast.  The woman, who was probably the Lady of the Water, said to him, “You are my child and that is why I let you suckle at my breast.  You will meet many hardships and will be greatly wearied.”

            He was then given two guides; an ermine and a mouse to lead him to the underworld.  When they came to a high place, the guides showed him seven tents with torn roofs.  He entered the first and found the inhabitant of the underworld and the men of the great sickness, syphilis.  These men tore out his heart and threw it into a pot.  In other tents he me the Lord of Madness and the Lords of all Nervous disorders, and even evil Shamans.

            He was then carried to the shores of the nine seas.  He went to the sea and many islands learning herbs, plants, and many birds.  He heard voices that said, “You shall have a drum.”

            He was given a branch with three forks; three drums were made from it, to be kept by three women.  The first drum was for Shamanizing women in childbirth.  The second drum for curing the sick, and the third drum for finding men lost in the snow.  He was told that he must marry three women.

            Then he came to an endless sea where he found seven stones and trees.  The stones all spoke and he stayed with them for seven days to learn how they could be of use to men.  He came to a rounded mountain with a bright cave, covered with mirrors in the middle there was a fire.  He saw two women naked but covered with hair like reindeer.  One said she was pregnant and would give birth to two reindeer where they would be the sacrificial animals for different tribes.  The woman said she would give birth to two reindeer, which would aid man in all his works and supply for food.

            After three days travel, he came upon a naked man working a bellows.  On the fire was a caldron as big as half the earth.  The naked man saw him and caught him with a huge pair of tongs.  The man cut off his head, chopped his body into bits, and put all in the caldron where he was boiled for three years.  There were three anvils and the naked man forged the candidate’s head on the third.  Then he threw the head into one of the three pots that stood where the water was coldest.  He then revealed to the candidate that when he was called to cure someone, if the ritual water was hot, it would be useless to Shamanize, for the man was already lost.  If the water was warm, he was sick but would recover, and cold water meant a healthy man.  The Blacksmith then fished the candidate’s bones out of a river, put them together and covered the bones with flesh again.  He counted them and there were three too many bones, so he made three Shaman costumes.  He forged his head and taught him how to read the letters inside it.  He changed his eyes so when he Shamanizes he sees with mystical eyes.  He pierced his ears so he could understand the language of plants.  Then the candidate found himself on top of a summit with his family.  Now he can sing and Shamanize without ever growing weary,” (Eliade, 42).

            What is so rich and epic about this initiation dream is how it has all of the makings of an epic according to Fredrick Turner in his latest book Epic.  Turner says, “But the basic elements of shamanic practice are found everywhere-the vocation of the shaman, the shaman’s call, the suffering of illness of the initiate, the use of drugs from alcohol to psychedelics, the shamanic musical instrument, rhythmic chanting or drumming, rites of passage including ritual death, the trance, the spirit guide (animal, human, or divine), the healing function, the shamanic journey (usually both through the air and under the ground), the conversation with the dead ancestors, the shaman’s power over acquaintance with natural spirits, the use of talisman, the shaman’s social role as diviner, seer, moral judge, storyteller, and myth archive, and the shaman’s subjective experience of flight, ecstasy, and sparagmos, or fragmentation,” (Turner, Epic, 180).  This then is an “epic” initiation dream of a Shamanic dream.  Sparagmos is depicted in fine detail of the tearing apart of the candidates body and matter, so he can be resurrected into a divine shaman.

            Turner says, “The basic elements of shamanic practice are found everywhere.” 

The deeper we look, we can see a Shaman’s presence everywhere; Ovid, Shakespeare, and our day-to-day life.  Our very own personal dreams could be guides to the spirit world if we so choose to do so.  Carlos Castaneda has laid out a blueprint on how to this in his books where he was taught by Don Juan and the most poignant one: The Art of Dreaming.

            Ted Hughes calls Shakespeare’s Venus and Adonis as a shamanic initiation dream and says, “It would be an interesting and not particularly difficult experiment to narrate the plot and details of Venus and Adonis to various primitive groups, or at least to groups that still hang on to their old ways of dealing with the supernatural.  They would all recognize this poem as a classic example of the dream of spontaneous shamanic initiation, the dream of ‘the call,” (Hughes, 97).  Shakespeare, whether knowingly or not, wrote about the Shamanic world as if he was the psychopomp of the day and was our guide.  Perhaps Shakespeare’s greatest creation of this sort was Prospero.

            The Tempest opens with a storm that is a creation by Prospero and Ariel.  Prospero shows us that he can control two of the cosmic zones in the beginning; the sky and the earth by staging a storm to cause the ship rack and put his master plan to work, revenge.  Miranda pleads with her father Prospero, “If by your art (magic), my dearest father, you have put the wild waters in this roar, allay them,”(I.II).   Prospero consoles his daughter and then she helps him take off his magic robe.

            Many Shamans have certain costumes they wear when shamanzing.  They also use drums, scepters, music, and a guide or teacher to help them learn the ways to communicate with the spiritual world.  Prospero has his magic robe, his scepter, and his books.  According to Caliban, Prospero is nothing without his books.  Prospero seemed to have his “call” to books.  His initiation was in putting all of his time and efforts into studying his magic books rather than ruling his dukedom.  Prospero’s banishment with a couple of books allowed him to perfect his magic so that he would one day have his revenge.  Yet, Prospero must have had some hope in life by naming his daughter Miranda, Latin for wonderful.  Prospero did not pass his art or magic down to his daughter, instead he raised her and cared for her.  He also tried being kind to Caliban until Caliban tried raping Miranda.

            This is another trait from Shamanism, Prospero did not just perform magic all the time in a state of ecstasy, but he was the leader and ruler of the community, albeit the community of two others on an island.

            Though Prospero does not teach his magic to Miranda, he uses it on her to help her remember her past.  When he asks her what she remembers about the past, she replies, “Tis far off, and rather like a dream than an assurance that me remembrance warrants,” (I.II).  Prospero has the ability to make sleep come over Miranda and put her in a state of dreaming.  When Ariel enters while Miranda is sleeping, not only does Prospero communicate with spirits, he enslaves them, as Ariel is his slave until he/she does the last job, and then Ariel will have his/her freedom.  With the aid of Ariel, Prospero calls on Jove’s lightnings and Neptune’s waves to make the tempest and rack the ship.  Prospero is the Chapello of the island and pulls all the strings.  He is the puppet master and has his spirit Ariel lead Alonso, Sebastian, Antonio, and Gonzalo right to him. 

            When Miranda and Prospero go to Caliban for more wood, an argument ensues between Miranda and Caliban.  Miranda reminds Caliban how she once pitied him and taught him their language and Caliban replies, “You taught me language, and my profit on’t is, I know how to curse.  The red plague rid you for learning me your language,”(I.II).  Prospero then shows that he can use his magic to inflict bodily harm, “What I command, I’ll rack thee with old cramps, Fill all thy bones with aches, make thee roar that beasts shall tremble at thy din,”(I.II).  Not only does Caliban obey, but he shows us just how powerful Prospero’s magic is, “I must obey.  His art is of such pow’r it would control my dam’s god, Setebos, and make a vassal of him,”(I.II).  Not only is Caliban afraid for his own physical sake, but of his god Setebos’s sake.

            Prospero sends Ariel off and has him/her play music and sing to Ferdinand to set him into a trance or alter his state of conscious.  When Miranda first sees Ferdinand it is love at first sight, just as Medea fell in love at first sight with Jason.  We will see more references to Medea later.  Miranda asks her father if Ferdinand is a spirit and Prospero explains to her that he is but a man.  At this point in the stage I think Prospero reveals that this ship rack is not just about revenge, but to give Miranda to Ferdinand as a wife and to give Miranda happiness.  Prospero turns away from them and says, “It goes on, I see, as my soul prompts it.  Spirit, fine spirit, I’ll free thee within two days for this,”(I.II).  Prospers says that their eyes have changed and gives Ariel credit for this and promises to give Ariel his/her freedom.  Ferdinand agrees to become Prospero’s slave; Prospero is excited how the spell has worked for both Ferdinand and Miranda as Prospero keeps exclaiming to Ariel that it works. 

            “Ferdinand’s description of his enchantment (“My spirits, as in a dream, are all bound up”) returns the play to the pervasive theme of dream and waking, as well as to the cognate pair of freedom and bondage,”(Garber, 867).  Prospero’s way of being a shaman and a pychopomp on the island is by controlling the residents and visitors of the island by sleep and dreaming.  Before Antonio and Sebastian can kill Gonzalo, the king with their swords, Ariel appears in Gonzalo’s dreams and sings, “While you here do snoring lie, open-eyed conspiracy his time doth take.  If of life you keep a care, shake off slumber and beware.  Awake, Awake!”(II.I).  Prospero can see the present and the future, so he manipulates it as he sees fit.

            When Caliban meets Stephano and Trinculo, Caliban sees them as his savior to be free from Prospero’s bondage.  The plan is to kill Prospero, but first they must get his books.  As Caliban says, “for without them he’s but a sot, as I am, nor hath one spirit to command,”(III.II).  With the sounds of the isle and the music that plays, Caliban encourages his conspirators with possibly some of the best lines of Shakespeare:


“Be not afeard: the isle is full of noises,

Sounds and sweet airs that give off delight and hurt not.

Sometimes o thousand twangling instruments

Will hum about mine ears; and sometimes voices,

That, if I than had wak’d after long sleep,

Will make me sleep again; and then, in dreaming,

The clouds methought would open and show riches

Ready to drop upon me, that, when I waked,

I cried to dream again.”(III.II)


            Stephano and Trinculo don’t appear to be moved by Caliban’s words, but Prospero can be generous in the art of dreaming.

            Prospero and Ariel put on an illusion for Alonso, Sebastian, Antonio, and Gonzalo so they can fall under Prospero’s power.  The charms work and Gonzalo has the longing for his son ever more.  Prospero claims victory, “My high charms work, and these, mine enemies, are all knit up in their distractions: the now are in my pow’r;”(III.3).

            After Prospero has inflicted the fear of god into Ferdinand to not break Miranda’s virgin knot before marriage, Prospero offers a wedding present.  Prospero and Ariel call upon the spirits and show Ferdinand and Miranda, Iris and Ceres.  The gods give their blessing of the marriage to be and that they may increase in number.  Prospero is the shaman calling onto the spirits here, and also the pyschopomp by guiding the two lovers in the transition of their lives to marriage.  Miranda and Ferdinand want more, but Prospero has other matters to attend to.  Before attending to these matters, Prospero gives them an explanation of what life is all about:


“Our revels now are ended.  These our are actors,

As I foretold you, were all spirits and

Are melted into air, into thin air;

And, like the baseless fabric of this vision,

The cloud-capped tow’rs, the gorgeous palaces,

The solemn temples, the great globe itself,

Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve,

And, like this insubstantial pageant faded,

Leave not a rack behind.  We are such stuff

As dreams are made on, and our little life

Is rounded with sleep.” (IV.I)


            Medea fell in love with Jason at first sight and gave up everything for him only to be betrayed by Jason.  Miranda fell in love with Ferdinand at first gaze.  Shakespeare began to read Ovid’s Metamorphoses at the age of nine, and it is told that it was his favorite book.  In act V.I, lines 47-57 are a paraphrase of Medea in The Metamorphoses, book 7, lines 263-289.  Prospero is about to give up being a shaman and says:

“Graves at my command

Have waked their sleepers, oped, and let’em forth

By my so potent art.  But this rough magic

I here abjure; and when I have required

Some heavenly music (which even now I do)

To work mine end upon the senses that

This airy charm is for, I’ll break my staff,

Bury it certain fathoms in the earth,

And deeper than did ever plummet sound

I’ll drown my book.” (V.I)


            Prospero turns his back on his art, his magic, and forgives those who wronged him, yet he also asks for their forgiveness as well.  Prospero the human being seems not to be liked by readers and that he is nothing but a selfish-crazy-spiteful-man.  In some ways, he reminds of the great warrior Achilles who said he just wanted to be loved and live on a farm at home.  Prospero in the epilogues tell us what his aim was:


“Gentle breath of yours my sails

Must fill, or else my project fails, 

Which was to please.”


            With Prospero’s art, all he wanted to do was please others whose little life is rounded with sleep.




Works Cited

Eliade, Mircea.  Shamanism.  First Princeton/Bollingen Paperback Printing, 1972


Hughes, Ted.  Essential Shakespeare.  New York: Harper Collins, 1991.


Hughes, Ted.  Shakespeare And The Goddess of Complete Being.  New York: Barnes &   Noble, 2009.


Garber, Marjorie.  Shakespeare After All.  New York: First Anchor Books Edition, 2005.


Turner, Frederick.  Epic.  New Jersey, Transaction Publishers, 2012.

Pale Fire

Today I told a high priest Shaman that I had read Pale Fire, but it doesn’t count until you read the commentary, which I haven’t yet.  The poem in many ways reminded me of Turner when he was reading his poems with the rhyming.  Some lines in Canto Three jumped out at because of our discussion in class how the Gods don’t know suffering and loss because of their immortality.

I’m ready to become a floweret

Or a fat fly, but never to forget.

And I’ll turn down eternity unless

The melancholy and the tenderness

Of mortal life; the passion and the pain;

The claret taillight of that dwindling plane

Off Hesperus; your gesture of dismay

On running out of cigarettes; the way

You smile at dogs; the trail of silver slime

Snail leave on flagstones; this good ink, this rhyme,

This index card, this slender rubber band

Which always forms, when dropped, in ampersand,

Are found in Heaven by the newlydead

Stored in its strongholds through the years.

Death and taxes are the only thing certain in life, though I try and avoid taxes as much as I can.  What is becoming very apparent to me of late is that it doesn’t matter what I read or do, when I really think about it everything goes back to some form of myth.  I’ve heard Sexon say, ” I dare you to go outside and not step on Myth.”  I don’t think it is possible to live and not step on Myth, hell even in death are we in myth.  Someone once asked Aristotle or one of the big three that they were going to go on a vacation and find themselves and the reply was that it wouldn’t work because your going with yourself.

I know that with class coming to an end or pause that I have a distinctively different view on origins and myself.  Luckily its not an end but time for another evolution or rotation of another circle.  Hopefully I don’t get dizzy.


A couple of Sundays ago, I ran into an old girlfriend at the Co-Op who I hadn’t seen in a long time.  We chatted a little and caught up and left it at having coffee sometime.  She called me and said she wanted to go to coffee and talk about books.  She graduated in dance awhile ago and said that the classics seem to go over her head.  Shakespeare 98% of the time is over my head, but the more Shakespeare I read, the more myth comes out.  Shakespeare’s first poem is called Venus and Adonis.  I wonder where he came up with that title? I could go on and on about Ovid references in Shakespeare, but its all there.

When it comes to literature, I prefer French lit above all and then the Russians coming in at a very close second.  This gal is interested in shit (my opinion) of the likes of Jane Erye and Jane Austen, the whole Victorian genre which I find rather dull.  Anyhue, she likes going to Shakespeare in the park and has tried reading some of his works.  I then recommended a little Ovid.  Her reply,”Yeah, but myth is crazy and not true.”  This got me thinking about our class yesterday and what happened to Carol in her class.  Myth might very well be pure fiction, but as Turner was telling us, it’s still people trying to find out about their origins and where they come from.  I often think that before we contemplate where we want to go, it might be of some use to understand where we’ve been.  To some that might be a complete waste of time, but I don’t think so.  So we talked about that for awhile and then she asked what her next book should be.  That’s actually a tough question, but if you want to read Shakespeare than Ovid.  Then it’s a toss up between Les Miserables, Anna Karenia, Lost Illusions.  Or maybe The Odyssey.   I know for myself this summer while I’m playing around in the oil fields in North Dakota, I’ll be reading some myth.

At the end, she stated that it was nice to be talking about books instead of Budweiser with me, and with that she’s right.

Turner Talk

I had never been to a Poem reading before so I brought my aunt Ann who has a PHD in Literature.  I was surprised not only on Turner’s poems but on how captivating the whole audience was.  The first poem had that Odysseus feel to it and then Turner in class said that when he was younger he often felt like Odysseus.  I’ll have to go to more events like this in the future, but is Sexon said,”It doesn’t get any better than this.”  Then I’m certainly fortunate to have seen Turner in action.

Displacement and Opening Day

High school seemed to be the most used setting in the displacement stories.  I like how anyone outside of our class would probably not have a clue about the displacement of Ovid, and even saying that there was not one story I read that wasn’t bad.  All enjoyable and more interesting than some of the shit I hear in writing classes.

I started reading Epic by our future visitor Turner and a creation story that keeps coming up which I want to read is Popol Vuh.  Its on the list for summer reading.  In the story, there is a ball game where sometimes they apparently use a head instead of a ball, but it sounds like it was pretty competitive and a big deal.  Yesterday was the big day of opening day for baseball and thus pizza and beverages called me away.


Edmund and his soon to be wife Helen liked to sleep in on Saturdays.  Whenever their eyes would open, they would wake and Edmund would tell Helen how beautiful she was and how much he loved her with a sinister grin.  Yet she ate it up each time like a puppy eating food out of your hand.  After the poetic conversation, Edmund would drink his coffee and then drive to his wife’s house to pick up his children.  He actually did love his children, though he couldn’t stand his wife Anna.  He kept asking her to just sign the divorce papers and she could have full custody and the house.  But Anna kept saying they could work it out if he only came home.

Helen was rich and dumb  and totally smitten with Edmund.  It was almost too good to be true for Edmund, a beautiful-rich-dumb woman who wanted to marry him and only cared about his happiness.  Plus, Helen let Edmund do as he pleased with all her money and her parents were in love with him as well.  They told everyone how they just loved Edmund like a the son they never had.  Edmund figured he was going to take Helen’s money and become a real estate developer and if it flopped, he didn’t really care because it wasn’t his money.

As he was driving to Anna’s house, he thought of the first time he had met Anna.  Edmund was with his father at the Sacajawea Inn for the Easter brunch when all of a sudden his father started choking and going into convulsions.  Some young beautiful woman ran over from her table and gave Edmund’s father the heimlich.  She brushed his father’s hair back and gave him some water.  She then looked up at Edmund with a smile and said,”I think he’ll be okay.”  Edmund was speechless, but soon enough found words to thank her and ask for her phone number.  They begin to date and two months later Edmund proposed.  Anna’s family could not stand Edmund,  they told her if she married him they would not support her.  She was in love so they eloped.  Edmund soon got annoyed with Anna working out and reading books on mythology all the time.  His father after the near death experience seemed to be younger and loved his new bride, so they gave him grandchildren.  When Edmund met Helen at a Republican fundraiser, in a mere week he left Anna.

He didn’t even bother to knock once he walked up to the door, he just walked right in and found Anna making a smoothie after her stupid morning workout.  “Where’s the kids, damn it?” “They’re still sleeping.  Edmund I’m tired of your philandering and being a dead beat dad who shows up on Saturday mornings thinking that your father of the year for a day.  I’m done.”  Edmund started to laugh and then walked up to her and pushed her against the wall,”You’ll do what I tell you.  If you hadn’t saved my father’s life I’d throw you out on the street and take the kids.  Your nothing and have no family.”

He let his grip go around her tiny figure and walked up the stairs.  Once he reached the kids’ room he tried waking them up, but they were still sleeping.  He thought maybe they were playing a joke on him so he played along a little bit, then he saw the empty sleeping pill bottles on the bed stand.  He felt his children and they were cold.  He begin to cry out and taking both of them up in his arms.  He came down the stairs and Anna was staring out the large window.  He fell on his knees and cried out,”You bitch! You took my children from me.”  Anna looked and stared right into his eyes,”Tough shit.  You robbed me of my family and now  I rob you of yours.”




Over spring break, while I was indoors in the tropics of North Dakota, I read a book called The Naked Olympics by Tony Perrottet.  The Olympic Games started in 776 B.C. and went on for every four years unit 394 A.D. until the Christian Emperors banned pagan festivals.  One myth came to an end as another myth took form.  King Iphoitos of Elis started the games by divine instructions.  Greece at the time was amidst plague and wars.  The Delphic oracle told the king that the only way was to celebrate athletic games at Olympia about forty miles from Elis.  Thus, the Olympics were born.

For the Greeks, Hercules himself was to have created the fields where the athletes were to participate.  Athletes would compete naked and train naked as well.  The athletes would always train and compete in heavy olive oils.  This would help them attain that bronze color skin and it was said by Appolo that only barbarians were ashamed to display their bodies.  This was also related to initiation rites, “the practice also symbolically stripped away social rank, an extraordinary gesture toward a democratic sporting ideal in the status-obsessed ancient world.

It was one big festival with upwards of 40,000 people.  Prostitutes would come and in 5 days make a yearly salary.  With such a large population in a small area, it was not the most sanitary of places.  Each year they would make sacrifices to Zeus to help out with all of the flies.  The Olympics was to honor the Gods and if one became a champion, they would be set for the rest of their lives.  In 480 B.C., when the Persian army landed and attacked Greece, we’ve probably all heard about the 300 Spartans holding them off, even though they had some help, anyways, 10,000 Greek soldiers were spectators at Olympia and figured the battle could wait.  They had their priorities set apparently.

The lifestyles of champions would have been Trump-like today and even make professional athletes today  look conservative.  Statues were erected in their honor, posts in the state, tax exemptions, and free food.  Yet it wasn’t all without critics, the physician Galen wrote an essay, “On Choosing a Profession,” complaining that talented young men were all going into athletics over law or medicine.  I thought it was pretty interesting how the prestigious Olympics are deeply rooted in myth and was a pious occasion.



Signs and Symbols

Signs and Symbols was indeed very sad.  I think that the jellies would have possibly upset their son with all the different colors of the jellies.  The father knew that he was dying and his last wish was to save his son of a incurable  mental illness, referential mania.  I’m not sure what the symbol of the phone continuing to ring and someone asking for Charlie, as the father was admiring the jelly and reading their names aloud.  That would be enough to annoy the hell out of me; I could only imagine how the son would feel if he was home at that time.  I know Sexon gave us the clue about trifles and the jelly, but I’m missing out on the jelly symbolism.